Teapot: How to Install Teapot with WinEdit2000

Other sections: Introduction | Download

This document describes how to set up Teapot to work with WinEdit2000 on Microsoft Windows. Setting up Teapot with WinEdit2000 does not require any reboots. Total file size for download is less than 4 Megs. This version of Teapot only works with Win32 platforms i.e. WindowNT, Windows95, and Windows98, Windows2000.

How to Setup Teapot with WinEdit2000

  1. Download and install WinEdit2000
    The WinEdit2000 install file, winedit.zip, is available at the WinEdit web site (download size: 3Meg). Goto http://www.winedit.com/download.html and download the file. If your computer doesn't know how to process ZIP files then go get some software at the WinZip site.

    After downloading it, open the winedit.zip file. Inside you will find a setup.exe file. Launch the setup.exe program by double clicking on it.

  2. Download and Install Teapot version 1 beta 8
    The teapot files provided are in a file, teapot-v1b8.zip. It is available at www.tigue.com. The URL is http://www.tigue.com/teapot/teapot-v1b8.exe

    After downloading it, launch teapot-v1b8.exe. This will install the Teapot files into the WinEdit2000 directory including a script, regscript.dll, which will be run automatically by WinEdit2000 in order to configure it to work with the Teapot XML parser.

  3. Launch WinEdit2000
    Click on Microsoft's Start button in the Taskbar, select Programs, select WinEdit and then select WinEdit.exe. If the following dialog pops up, click on OK.

    You should promptly see the following dialog which confirms that setup was successful:

  4. Restart WinEdit2000
    Close WinEdit200 and restart it just to make sure any new setting we just made go into effect. You do not need to reboot the operating system. In the next section, you can test whether things are working correctly.

Confirm Setup by Parsing an Example XML Document

This section demonstrates how to confirm that WinEdit2000 and Teapot are correctly setup to work together. Run this test after you've gone through the above listed installation and configuration steps. This involves parsing the file bad-xml-sample-1.xml which ships as part of the Teapot installation program. It should be in WinEdit's main directory along with winedit.exe. The following steps walk through the process of of editing an XML file in WinEdit and parsing the file with Teapot to check for well-formedness.

  1. Launch WinEdit2000
    Click on Microsoft's Start button in the Taskbar, select Programs, select WinEdit and then select WinEdit.exe.

  2. Open the file bad-xml-sample-1.xml
    This is located in WinEdit's directory. Commonly this is C:\Program Files\WinEdit\. Pull down the File menu and select the Open item. Then navigate the file system to bad-xml-sample-1.xml. Watch out for the "Files of type:" dropdown list in the FileOpen dialog; this defaults to ACL files which does not show files ending in '*.xml' so you should set this dropdown to XML files.

  3. Parse bad-xml-sample-1.xml
    Go to the Project menu and select the Compile... menu item to have the document "compiled" by teapot.exe, the XML parser which ships with Teapot. Remember that the core idea of Teapot is to use an XML parser as the "compiler" of XML documents. We are bending the rules which is why we are forced to use a counter intuitive command like Compile... in order to parse the document.

  4. Review the parse error messages
    bad-xml-sample-1.xml is shipped with intentional well-formedness errors. Press F4 to get WinEdit2000 to focus on the mal-formed text. WinEdit2000 will scroll to the offending line. WinEdit2000 indicates the offending line with a yellow marker along the left margin of the window. Also, WinEdit2000 will display error messages in a black box at its window.

    In the following screen shot, WinEdit2000 is pointing out that a well-formedness error occured on line 7 of the file bad-xml-sample-1.xml.

  5. Fix errors and parse again
    In the case of bad-xml-sample-1.xml in the picture above, simply change line 7 to the following:

    This line is not well-formed XML:    <
    Then try parsing (read: compiling) again i.e. go back to Step 3 above. In general when hand editing XML documents you do the following: edit, parse, repeat.

    Note one minor bug in WinEdit2000: although the little yellow rectagle is helpful, it does not go away when you finally get the document to parse successfully; you need to actually read the text in the black area and see the happy news:
          0 error(s)

Optional Additional Configuration

There are other things you can do to make the Teapot setup more helpful but the above was the minimum. Other things you can do include:

The document Teapot: Optional Configurations covers such things..

This document was last edited on 1999-11-13.